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2019/4/19 我所合伙人高军律师为丈八东村社区开展“扫黑除恶”专项宣传培训
2019/5/4 【五四特辑】肩负时代使命,绽放多彩人生!
2019/4/12 乐人法语丨认缴制下,注册资本认缴期限和金额约定规则浅议
2019/3/22 乐享法规 | 律师费将由对方承担的案件汇总
2019/3/13 乐人法语丨社保入税真的来了!西安领先一步!
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Address: Dongsheng building, No. 188 North Road, the Xi'an Beilin District 12 floor
High tech service center: high tech Zone Zhang Bayi Road No. one of Xi'an Huixin IBC-A room 1806
Tel: 029-81775828
Fax: 029-87806887
WeChat public number: Leyoulawfirm
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Shaanxi leyou law firm / Shaanxi ICP No. 13005441 -1